

FULL SCREEN RECOMENDED!! If the game isn't responding once you enter full screen then CLICK!

Endless Rocks, Endless Nights, is a survival game where you mine stone to craft structures and upgrade your pickaxe, each night is harder then the last until it is eternal night time, death, and suffering...    How long can YOU survive??

Also I made EVERYTHING, even the sound effects...

--Wowie Jam 4.0--

 Also I made this for The Wowie Jam 4.0. Thanks Jonas! It was my first ever jam! Had a blast!

The theme was "Collaborate With AI"

So naturally I found myself an AI text generator and told it something along the lines of:

 "What is the best game known to man that will WIN Wowie Jam 4.0?"

It responded with:

"Cutting for stone and sculpting without flaw

Battlestations Pacific because... Defies description.

You have or you haven't played but it will win when... You've been on strike, and can't help"

So basically I tried to do that. You cut through stone, you could say you "sculpt" structures. I was gonna add "Battlestations" but I scraped that idea. Also the baddies are from the "Pacific" ocean. I didn't do anything with "defies description" I took "It will win when" as it winning the jam so I didn't put that in my game. "You've been on strike and can't help" Is when you get hit and die.


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Very AI I would say

(1 edit)


Pretty cool game! I like the mining mechanic but wish it was a little faster(Even on gold pickaxe it felt like not much of an upgrade). The third turret is my favorite since you need to position the mouse which is pretty cool,  all in all I enjoyed the gameplay. Good job!

(Will come back to rate once the voting period starts)

Thanks a lot! BTW each pickaxe is .25 seconds faster then the last.)))